Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Florida Primary Tomorrow

So Florida's primary is tomorrow and I'm registered as a Republican so i,will have to vote for a Republican in the primary. The primary (no pun intended) point I want to focus on when it comes to this whole dynamic of voting is how difficult it was to figure the basic info I needed to be able to vote in the primary. You would think that since politics rules the world and that politics is ruled by voting by the people that this process would be streamlined for the general public making it easy for them to vote just as it is easy to get online and pay your credit card bill....but it's not. It's actually designed to be a delirious process that one can be easily fed up with if one is not determined. For example the basic necessity of finding the physical location in which one needs to go to vote in the primary if one has not done early voting through the mail. It's like our voting process is still in the stone age as if we do not unlimited technological capabilities at our disposal. I mean if voting is important and the general public wants to have a voice and the general public wants to be included in the process of voting shouldn't it be streamlined to the point of pressing a button on a computer or a phone? I mean if their is an argument of its legitimacy or susceptibility to be hijacked or hacked through the Internet how is that we have systems of credit card payments and online banking that are safe and reliable? I mean just from the general standpoint that the average voter has a very short attention span as indicated by the 30 second slots of commercials, shouldn't the voting process be set up to reflect this dynamic. 

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