Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why is the World In Disaster?!?!

There is a very simple question and a very simple response? The world is in disaster because the world is not in accordance with what is best for all life on this planet. When the world is in accordance with what is best for all life on this planet then the world will inevitably improve because it is actually in our own self-best-interest to create that very thing. A world that is best for all inevitably will produce a world that is best for all. Makes sense. A system that is guaranteed to support everyone will guarantee to support everyone equally and with dignity. So lets stop the madness of profit - no profit - can exceed the capacity of life that is here on this earth - no profit can exceed what is the most prominent exception of what is best for all on this earth - no profit can exceed what is the most important objective that is here - to create something that lasts and something that will in evitably produce something worth experiencing - a world without pain and without suffering.

How Google Owns the World

Google is the product of the world system but it holds the key to any social endeavor that we as whole may ever partake in. Google is everything. It has its hands in everything we do. Youtube is owned by google. Anybody who has google as an email is in the hands of a company that is dominant in web browsing and web viewing via mainly google and google news. Google is the company that is surveying every piece of data on the web is controlling every piece of data on the web - it holds the power of the viewer - the viewer of information that is vital and controlling every aspect of our lives. What information is controlling every aspect of our lives? It is the desteni material? It is controlling every aspect of our lives because information is only relevant when it is in the best interest of all that is involved. See google is in control of the world because information controls the world which inevitably means that many who see the information that is available is personally subject to this information. This information can be in the interest of all life. That is what Desteni is standing for - information and freedom for all life on this planet. It is in the interest of everyone of us to establish and implement an Equal Money System. This is because the world is not in every one's interest at this point as many are based in only self-interested ideas but not the interest of what is best for all. Nationalism is insane and most partake. Economy is insane but most see that the world is not in everyone's interest and change must take place. 

The Failed Economy

      The econmy has failed to supply enough jobs for all. When half the world does not have jobs then an economic system has utterly failed to provide the sustenance in the form of incoming money to all of its participants.
      The Equal Money System can be designed to give everybody the jobs they want. We can design this system to give everybody jobs that they would like to have and therefore give not only a secure job but the sustenance of a job they like to work in.
      So lets give everybody the sustenance they deserve through supplying enough jobs for everybody and jobs that people like to work in. Currently the system is in the process of accessing whether or not the four years of work required for the Equal Money System is enough to establish the support that is necessary for all to live a dignified life.

Beauty and Deception

I would like to point out the deception of beauty even existent within a blog supposedly trying to 'debunk' beauty or expose how women are subject to manipulation from media advertisements telling them how they should look.

The blog starts with the author expressing concern for the effect of beauty advertisements has on women saying that these can lead to "depression, insecurity, and even committing suicide". 

The blog displays a picture saying "Girls see over 400 advertisements per day telling them how they should look" written on the wall where a woman being portrayed as one who has accepted this within her self-appearance is standing next to it looking at her hair in a portable mirror.

The author begins to list a series of things wrong with these beauty advertisements: She states: "1. Girls, don't believe this kind of advertisements. 2. The majority of them aren't even real, don't you know what Photoshop can do?".

The first statement shows that she has potential to want to expose the nature of pre-programming within society and the concepts of beauty. But then she goes on to deceive the reader into believing that this image of beauty is actually valuable in that it is something that one would even want to attain in the first place. Instead of stating "you don't need to live up to these ideas/pictures of beauty in order for you to accept yourself and care about yourself" - she deceives the reader by making him/her feel better about themselves 'for having known that most of the photographs aren't even real photographs in that they are altered in some way to look like they do" all the while within doing that she is actually accepting the nature of the pre-programming that she is supposedly trying to expose or speak out against!

She goes on to state in her third counter statement: "3. Don't compare yourself to the women in these ads, half of them have eating disorders such as anorexia, since many of them only eat plain lettuce and water every week. Many of these women are going through depression. Don't become like one of them.". Within this statement she is accepting and allowing the idea that one must fulfill a certain image of beauty such as 'being thin' in order for one to accept themselves/embrace themselves. She uses the polarity of being really skinny vs. being really fat to denigrate the ones who are really skinny as a way to instill fear into the reader as in 'you don't want to be anorexic do you?'. This is deceptive because she is still accepting the premise the one should look 'thin' in order for one to accept themselves while using the polarity of becoming anorexic as way to scare the reader.Within stating "half of them have eating disorders" she is accepting the idea of beauty but is using fear as way to say 'you don't want to become like that'. Even within stating this she is accepting the idea 'that you want to become skinny' but you 'just don't want to become anorexic'. So using anorexia as an example she instills fear into the reader to 'not become anorexic'.

Her fourth statement goes on to say that one should embrace their size/shape: "4. Embrace your own shape and size, don't listen to what ads say, "lose weight, tips on losing weight, diets"... Blah blah blah.". Here she is appealing to some common sense wherein she is displaying the stupidity of diets.

Her fifth statement shows how she is still supporting the 'ideal body' but then concludes that it is 'impossible' , "5. It is absolutely impossible to achieve the ideal body that magazines portray; girls, these aren't real natural bodies.". Here she is appealing to the reader's sense of 'I want that body - I just don't know how I would get it'. Within that deceiving herself and the reader into actually believing that somebody would actually want to achieve that kind of body image.

Her sixth says, "6. Beauty=Personality, confidence, happiness and being you!". Ok so again here she is masking the desire tendency to want to be/look beautiful by saying 'its whats on the inside that counts!'. Again accepting the premise that one would want to be beautiful but it is 'just too hard to obtain' so therefore learn to 'just accept yourself'.

Her seventh is, "7. Barbie is just a doll!". Here she is accepting the picture presentation as 'not real' and therefore 'unattainable' all the while accepting the premise that one would ever want to obtain this 'perfect' picture presentation. She does not expose the deception within advertising she just accepts the premise that is 'unattainable' as a way to scare the reader from taking their addiction to beauty to the extreme. All the while not exposing that this idea of 'beauty' has been and still is the problem when it comes to women and their portrayal of themselves. She does not define beauty as self-acceptance but rather as 'personality, confidence, and being you' which is the exact same thing as saying 'be a pre-programmed robot who gives in to the exact ideas/fears that society has enstilled in you!'.

She does not say 'Beauty is reality and the reality is that beauty is a fallacy'. Instead she deceives by giving the reader reasons not to obtain beauty and thus live out their belief in a 'perfect' body image but hints to still retain one that is at least 'respectable'.

Join Desteni I Process where we learn to examine things critically wherein we can learn to expose a message being sent across that may not actually represent what is best for all or actually assisting anyone in overcoming their beliefs/opinions/ideas about the world and society.


The whole system of capitalism is on its teeth. There is no financial solutions to solve the problems we face except for the Equal Money System. The economy is only getting worse and our elected officials are only bring in more profit. The Equal Money System will solve this system of profit and loss because with the EMS the profit and loss equation is taken out and replaced by a system that allows each and every single human being to have the same necessities as those with a lot of money such as a millionaire. When everybody has the basic necessities that each and every one of us requires then it will solve the issues of debt and not having enough to live - this way everybody benefits equally. The system does not provide for everybody equally as it does not serve to create a world that is what is best for all - because if it did then it would have.

    The equal money system provides the grounds for a new life that will replace the one we have currently - it will replace the idealist capitalist system based on the ideas of the human mind - which in effect is only creating more abuse and more chaos. If this capitalist system wanted to create a world that is life and not abuse then thats what we would be and experience - but it isn't serving life as the best interest of all because it isn't creating more jobs and it is disregarding the poor. It isn't creating life as equality but instead accepting consumerist tendencies as a way of life - not considering that life is not consumerism. Life is not only the path to freed but it is always the point to be adhered to. Lets create a world that is what is best for all not some version of self-interest that doesn't consider the well-being of everybody on this earth. Lets create a system that lifts up life and brings about a true natural change in how we work and feel. Lets create a world where money is based on the value of life as equal in each one instead of life as the value of self-interest and self-retardation. Let us create a society that benefits all and gives to all equally. Lets all establish a system of equal support that dignifies all within their application of themselves. Lets all stop this society of consumerism and end all sakes of profit that do not support all living beings.

The Equal Money system will allow everybody to live like a millionaire. Everybody will have awn equal footing as an effectively supported human being - this way nobody is abused or harmed. This would lead to heaven on earth. Yet it is in our best interest as a species to establish this system on a global scale and start to reap the benefits of a system that is equal for all in all ways on the best levels of human endeavor and luxury.

Yes the current money system is failing as it is not providing for all human beings equally and is creating far worse situations than there has ever been. If the current money system continues it will continue to neglect and abuse those under its control because the system serves to create these types of conditions. It doesn't support the well being of all beings equally in dignity. The system serves the self-interest of a few elites which do not always see how their lives could benefit if their was a world that is what is best for all including themselves. A system that is what is best for all will always be the kind of support we need as a human species. We need this support because this is how we operate and each person requires basic things in this world - we all require food, water, shelter, clothing, and basic healthcare supplies. We all require flushing toilets and electricity, and refrigerators to keep our food cold. It is within each and everyone's power to stand up to support the establishment of this system and to create a world that is what is best for all in all ways. We all require basic needs so lets give everybody these basic needs to start actually truly living in dignity and living in equality. Lets start seeing what we have been missing all along by supporting a system that serves a few elites and not creating/establishing a system that is what is best for all in all ways. Lets stop creating the system of abuse that we currently are not actually benefiting from. Lets look at how we are creating our children's future through our actions and through not actually creating a world that is what is best for all. Its not hard to see that our actions down the line will have consequences for our own children so lets start creating a new reality where what is best for all is the new precedent and not self-interest. Lets start to create a new reality for all where all living beings on earth are taken care of and supplied - given the same amount of support that each millionaire has for themselves today. Lets start to create a new reality where life is the new value and all life is supported equally as the value that is equal in all.
    Lets all create a new life through giving as we would like to have for ourselves and bring about a world that gives to all equally. Lets give each the necessary support to establish a world without abuse and suffering of insurmountable proportions as what this current reality is showing us to be apart of. Lets create a new life where everyone is equally housed, clothed, and brought to a point of oneness and equality. Lets stop the self-interest and create a new world that is what is best for all in all ways.
If we will ourselves to change and see the change come in to fruition as the world system we will be able to take advantage of the benefits the world system of change has to offer us.

Equal Money for Equal Freedom

Why am I posting this blog right now? because I know that the world in shambles. The world needs to realize that the quality of our sanity is based in inequal opportunity for all and exist to destroy the image of man as who man actually is. What is our likeness? Are we here to discuss issues or are we here to enact sanity as image as likeness as a system that will create the image of goodness and freedom for all that is here. This is the point of the Equal Money System. This is the point of freedom for all. This is the point of Desteni. As desteni is the only group of individuals that actually enact self-freedom within their lives. That actually enact self-knowledge within their lives as action that counts towards what is best for all. This is the point of all that is here . To self - establish the self that cares that does what is required for all to see and realize what is here. I read the mother teresa transcendance and part of the mother teresa's articles on purity today at the Austin Community College. It was amazing because I was in such a distress but the words of Mother Teresa were transcendent - it was uplifting - I can't I know how to live these words but they were definitely supportive - they were definitely uplifting in a sense. But I know the situation on earth requires drastic changes meaures that I cannot explain - measures that exist in the very heart of what we accept in our lives - the inequality we accept within our lives. Mother Teresa is great support and I thank the words she has written as herself - it is great support to see that someone is here supporting all as one as equal. I feel somewhat like a bullshitter writing these words because I know I have enacted a self-belief of change - but when in fact I am living in a self-programmed system of beliefs and ideas. I judge every thing I do and I have difficulty realizing it is all a self-programmed belief that does not even consider that I am able to see and realize the change that is needed within myself. Breathing is supportive and I continue to focus on breathing.