Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Interaction with Women

I have this desire to be liked and get attention from other people. Where does this come from? It seems like all of my interactions I'm waiting to be noticed - sought out - liked. Its like I am constantly waiting for someone to notice me and like 'track me down' to say hi or whats up. It seems I have been waiting for this all my life but it has rarely ever happened! It's like I'm waiting for someone to get up and seek me out and say 'hey! here I am! whats up?' or 'hey whats your name?!'.

Where does this come from? It seems like a lot people are like this or have been like this - or maybe that is just my perception that other people are all the same as me. I always wondered 'if this is how they are and this is how I am - then why don't we come together to be liked together?'. I remember as I was a kid - much younger - it was the same thing - waiting for someone to notice me - like me - seek me out - give me attention in some way that shows they are interested in me - but that rarely ever happened. So why did this never happen? Why hasn't this ever been fulfilled in the way I envisioned in my imagination?

It has been mainly concerning women for most of my life as women has been the primary point that I have always wanted to find within myself in terms of interaction/friendship/relationship. I would see a woman - hope she would look at me - hope she would begin to engage me - and finally sit down to talk to me - but it never happened. When it did happen it was not like I wanted it to be - it was never like I had imagined it happening.

When she would approach me there would be this imagination of her talking to me. In this imagination I would tense up and feel constricted/restricted. I would become this very tense/diseased guy and it would always throw off the woman. My awkwardness with women eventually created an anxiety where when confronted with speaking to women or actually sitting down to get to know them one on one - I would go into nervousness - and this would throw them off. This anxiety would keep me from becoming intimate with some women and never letting myself go with these women. I had a tough time relating to women - being comfortable with them and at ease with myself - communicating in a way that wouldn't be awkward. So I have always been trying to be at ease with myself around women and find a way to communicate with them that wasn't weird or trying to be someone I'm not or actually imposing myself upon them in their space.

I was enslaved by this idea that the woman would take the reins. Always wishful/hopeful in thinking that 'she' would be the one to come onto me and make the first move. I had always anticipated that some girl would come and talk to me - and ultimately would 'like' me and we could be friends and actually get along. And maybe even be in a relationship together. But this hardly ever happened. But I wanted it to happen. I always wanted to be liked and accepted by most women.

And as I look at this it has always been about finding sex with women. Even when I was very young I wanted to have sex with women but I didn't know how - and I mostly worried that they wouldn't appreciate my body or what I have to offer. This was always the main dilemma with women - always wanting to find sex but too scared to actually seek it out or make the first move. Whenever I was confronted with women and the possibility of having sex it was always too scary to me and I always feared too much that they wouldn't like me and/or especially like my body. This was always too hard for me to overcome to actually come to the point of actually having sex even though I wanted to have sex from a young age. It was scary because I wanted to be accepted and to be liked but I didn't want to feel rejected or disliked. And there was always that possibility of being rejected or disliked. So within this I wanted to feel accepted without being rejected by others.

Motivation and Desires

What motivates us human beings? The deepest realms of the human psyche are predicated on the assumption that human beings are motivated by something? This is what defines us as human beings? Whether or not we are motivated by ourselves or something outside of ourselves. This is the basis for all human endeavor? Our creative expression has a point that shows our deepest desires. What do we desire? Our desires reveal our source of motivation? Are we self-motivated or motivated by desire? Our desires show us our points of motivation? Are we inherently motivated by something outside of who we are or something from within ourselves? Could our creative expression be dictated by something outside of ourselves or are we inherently motivated from within?

Money System Not Working?!?

      Why is this money system not working? Because it is not in the interests of all those who participate. Because all those who participate are subjects to the abuse of democracy and free democratic societies. We have not stood by the principles of oneness as equality . We have not given our lives to service of good and wholeness of ourselves. What will this system create in the end? How have we missed the very basic thing that is ourselves and our own wellness? How have we denied the stark contrasts of those who have it all and those who have zero. It is the destiny of equality to be the dominion of earth as those upon this earth. The dominion of earth as ourselves shall be the inheritance of righteousness of action and good stewardship. How have we denied the basic tenants of life as reality and the laws of life as equality? Lets all be good stewards of the earth through implementing an equal system which cares for and provides the sustenance all require to live without worry/fear of money or making money.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Equal Money for Mercy

We should have mercy on all who live in and exist in this world. This is the basic tenant of the Jesus message where he says to 'love thy neighbor as thyself' and 'to give to others as you would like to receive' and to 'treat others as you would like to be treated'. This message is the only message that will bring peace on earth. A message that considers what is best for all beings on this earth and takes care of them with dignity and mutual respect. It is the duty of those who are here to implement and design a system that gives to all equally and brings forth a new being in the life of those around us - us humans. So lets start taking responsibility for this earth and bring about a new system called the Equal Money System.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Israel and Iran Nuclear Discussions

          What is the real issue regarding these continuous conflicts with Israel and Iran? The president of Iran has said that the real issue between the two nations is that Iran wants individual representation for the Palestinians as a democratic government in Palestine but Israel is denying this to the Palestinians. Iran's president has said that he wants to establish peace and equal standing between Israel and Palestine and Palestine's fair representation as a nation equal to and one with the Israeli government and all governments. Iran's presidents comments about 'wiping Israel off the face of the earth' have stirred alot of controversy over the past few years. But even the president himself has taken face to the fact that the comments have been distorted and/or completely mistranslated. Why would he start a war with a nation with nuclear capabilities and alliances with other nations with nuclear capabilities? Just to see that his own nation is/maybe destroyed or taken over by some foreign country?

It wouldn't make any sense to put up a fight against such super powers in the world would it? Isn't this all just propaganda to get the American people to believe that we should go to war with Iran in the end? Isn't this sort of rhetorical denigration of another nation just a ploy to set the seed to go to war with somebody who may or may not have the interest of our people at heart? From the comments I have read or heard it doesn't look as though the president of Iran is looking for war or looking to start a war but is maybe actually trying to achieve peace around the world - not war. The translation of his comments of 'wiping israel off the face of the map' was a complete lie because he never said that. He said to wipe the 'regime' off the face of the map. He never said he wanted to annihilate the nation of Israel - he expressed discontent with the conduct of the actions of the current Israeli administration with regards to the treatment of Palestinian people and their nation which has a place in the middle-east. So what is the point of all this rhetorical denigration of an entire nation(Iran) based on comments that were taken vastly out of translation ? Why does the media continue to broadcast this assertion that the president of Iran intends to "wipe Israel off the face of the map"?


Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmadinejad