Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Day 308 - The Lies of Labor

What is the lies of labor? What does that mean? What does that imply? What does this entail? The lies of labor entails a lie that we are inundated with to the point of unquestioning acceptance as the gospel truth as if it is common sense even when the truth still remains intact behind the veil forevermore. It implies a vast swath of deception hovering over something that we all experience, come in contact with, and is in some way or another part of everybody's lives. It means that a lie does exist within this point that pervades each persons reality and that when the essence of this lie is veiled as the truth and then accepted as the truth - the essence of that which pervades our reality is skewed in a way that does not reflect the true nature and actuality of its existence.

What does this have to do with labor? What is the big lie that pervades this topic of labor? The lie is that one persons labor or form of labor could ever be more valuable or worth more than another's to the extent that a large discrepancy could exist between each's rewards. This discrepancy is so artfully justified to the extent that many or most could come to accept as truth even when a simple common sense analysis would effortlessly debunk its validity.

Look at with the example of a car. How can you quantify the value of a car part relative to other car parts whenever the exclusion of any one of them would compromise the complete integrity of the car within the context the problem it is supposed to solve? You simply can't. Without each the system does not function to its purpose. How is this example any different from lets say the Mcdonalds production system? Or the value of each Walmart employee? Its not at all. Within business systems , these systems are designed to work together to accomplish a common goal.

This is not only NOT the TRUTH but a complete distortion of how everyone relates to each other in terms of the actual reality of the value being exchanged when system components come together to form a vehicle for which a problem can be solved. The effects that this distortion, deception, and outright blatant lie accepted as real has on our base perception and formulation for what is reality and what is not is extensive - wherein eventually after the lie becomes a basic component in the fabric of how we perceive reality - we no longer are able to see the simplistic reality and truth within all aspects of reality. As if the lie started as a seed and grew into a tree and then multiplied itself to where almost every inch of reality becomes coated or tainted with this 'original sin'  or 'deception' so much so that the individual's ability to discern 'what is real' and 'what is not real' becomes severely compromised on a level so deep that it becomes a self - functioning self- fulfilling disease of sorts that riddles all within a taint derived from the original - and thus functioning to create more of the same - pervading more and more of what is actually real - with what is fallacy.

So the consequences extend far beyond just an observable discrepancy in reward between two people's labor. Its set a precedent for believing and seeing that which is not real as real, ultimately molding and framing human awareness and human consciousness into a virtual reflection of that which is real - believing the reflection to be reality.

Why would such a discrepancy manifests itself in reality when it does not reflect the nature of reality or the simple principles that envelop reality - yet exists within the framework of human consciousness and exchange? Individuals who declare and decide that this discrepancy is justified in reality are only doing so out of self interest for if such a discrepancy should exist - the potential for one to benefit from it are better. This is a result of human greed and human evil evidenced by the willingness to benefit at the expense of another even while such expense is completely unnecessary and not actually reflective of the true essence of nature. 

So in short if you still beLIEve that one persons labor is more valuable than another when it comes to the essence or difficulty involved within that labor you are sadly mistaken as evidenced by the car example above. The only true discrepancy that exists is the level of productivity that any individual can sustain and maintain over an extended period of time. That is the only real discrepancy between two peoples labor. The nature of that labor and or the difficulty or skill needed to perform does not form a real basis for justifying a wide discrepancy in pay between two peoples labor.

Day 306 -

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed the fear of peeking inside of my own mind, looking at it, observing it, and forgiving it.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed the fear of dping something different than what ive been doing.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed the fear of going someplace different.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Day 305 - Andrew Yang Iowa Caucus Media Blackout

Iowa prepares for caucus voting

This mainstream media blackout of Andrew Yang is reprehensible and disgusting. Since he's the only one who can beat Trump with Bernie and Warren the only other marginally likely contenders, these media outlets obviously want Donald Trump to be elected. The question is why? As long as Trump is re-elected these "liberal" media outlets get to run countless negative stories on how bad of a person Trump is with endless fake indictments, baseless allegations, and relentless smearing of his character...which all together gets these outlets a whole lot of attention and thus makes them a whole lot of money. 4 years of this bias bull..really? Remember how Obama's presidency was like the golden age for Fox News? Same story, just reversed. Remember how Bush's presidency was also the same for the liberal outlets? Yeah its all about the money to these people. Thats because they have no faith in the system anyways because it is broken and they are right, so they just side with the money maker. But i expect that at least when a candidate of actual substance is putting himself on the line merely out of good conscience rather than just power and fame(like most are) for these outlets to give at least fair and decent coverage. The fact that there has been a blackout of Yang on these predomiant outlets shows you 1 thing: He's the only one who can beat Trump. I mean they are so good at getting people to follow their own fears...Warren and Bernie might have a good shot but they are just decades behind in ideas, brains, and aptitude that its like ..how could you possibly choose them over Yang? Obviously for no other reason than your impulse to side with the candidate thats 'most likely' to be nominated rather than whos the actual best. The real point is youre going with people the media wants you too so that Trump will beat them...its just that simple.

Day 304 - What the System Expects Yet Has Produced For Millenia

How can the system demand people to be fully responsible for themselves and their dependants whenever the system is not based in equality (which is essentially what the system is demanding from each person, full responsibility=equality right?)?

Is that not hypocritical by design?

Isn't that similar to exactly how we raise our kids in this system, expecting perfection, whenever we dont even know the mechanics behind that and how to facillitate that within our children practically physically? Isnt that like handing someone a bike that has never ridden before, and once they fall persecuting them or punishing them with fines and penalties after? Isnt that ludicrous? Doesnt that sound ludicrous? Doesnt it seem like that that is exactly what we are doing to our children as a society as a whole?

That is exactly what we are doing as a society as a whole to each other and specifically our offspring. Where we dont give each other the tools and resources to even come close to what we are expecting of each other but yet we still continuously expect different results despite the evidence over the past couple thousand years that our efforts are falling short and thus what we are doing is not working.

We would recognize this falling short collectively on a quantum physical  level simultaneously if we were to be completely honest with ourselves. Now of course we are not being completely honest with ourselves nor have we ever been at any point in our history for any substantial stretch of time because if we had been, then we would have attempted to change something or at least tried to figure out substantially why our efforts are continuously falling short.

But we havent and instead we have inevitably been individually and collectively lying to ourselves, as that is the only way we could have continued down the same path, without that quantum physical awareness acknowledgement that we dont know how the mechanics of creating perfection actually operate and thus therefore are not even capable of such an endeavor much less have achieved any smidge of it except in a few rare isolated cases.

Doesnt that sound a little crazy? We dont even know how to create perfection in ourselves but yet we are expecting that out of each other and our children? Isnt that ridiculous?

Now of course our collective excuses have been that we 'have tried', wechave 'achieved something at least', and some or many may actually whole heartedly believe that 'we did it, we are perfect, and our children will be too'. But these are obviously lies we have been coming up with because the truth has been so scary for most and the pervading of fear so extensive that its easier to go along with lies whenever your or your family's survival is at stake and the possibility of endless suffering and torture for not going along is quite poignant as well as frequent. This has been especially the case for those that hold the keys to the kingdom(females) and are the self annointed  dictators of the system. And they have gone along with these lies mostly out of fear of the truth and facing that extensively within and without in ones life, which is primarily based in suppression of ones power and ability and most importantly ones responsibility. As well as the physical dimensions of inferiority or strength as opposed to men when it comes to dominance and authority wherein the woman has been continuously subjected to abuse from men and thus has learned to suppress out of necessity. This suppression of the keyholders to heaven on earth is the single most crucial element behind the continuation of lies instead of self honesty.

Through accepting and allowing all of the fear preprogrammed by our parent's ignorances of how perfection actually is created, we come to embody their ignorances in many dimensional forms and will come to mimic them almost identically if there is not some great striving for change and the truth, as well as the execution of solutions towards the dynamics at play and thus will take form in their likeness in every way , thus repeating the whole cycle over again once then they procreate as well, teaching their kids almost the exact same thing as well. Through this dishonesty the only things that have truly developed and grown are the fruits of our labors ie. Technology but yet our nature has not.

Systematically the tenants of the system experienced, followed, and exercised internally within ones mind body physical existence is manifested externally as the boundaries and laws that we set in place and abide by. Its as if we are placed in shackles, walk through existence in them, and then write our way into our own prison as if we were making sure we never got out of those shackles by way of the laws thatbwe write, not actually knowing that that is what we were doing.

Now somebody did come and explained to us how this all works, and we based almost all of our efforts to manifest this persons understanding into our society as our own, on this somebody's teachings. But we didnt actually get the tools we needed from him. But eventually we could get the tools we needed from his words and his disciples words after they were absorbed so closely for hundreds of years and thus physically quantumly integrated into the mind body existence of the human being over time. What happened was that it became such a widely known and used reference for everything in ones life, through the physical integration of these words through out loud repetition by prayer and the acceptance of the sermons preached every sunday in churches across the world without question or rebuttals, and the ruthless  promulgation of these words across national, racial, and gender boundaries. This led to its being physically integrated into the mind and body's of all human beings on earth to varying degrees regarding their conscious awareness of it but equal degrees of their subconcious and unconscious submission to its authority.

Once that integration had been complete, then the ability to manipulate this mind body quantum physical integration in order to unlock the 'keys to the kingdom' for real became possible by way of using the body of work for which all the prayers and sermons were based on as a map instead of as just a manual wherein the predisposition towards the latter rather than the former was mostly predominantly taught and advocated everywhere. Which is simply a predisposition based in fear, but after all, in many cases their submission was a matter of their survival, hence the fear aspect of it.

So many years after the integration of this paradigm had been completed, another man came along who sought for the 'keys to the kingdom' with an inkling of self honesty left enough to questions his beliefs and how society runs.

By way of stepping back from ones paradigm through extensive study and investigation into everything one could get their hands on as far as the 'supernatural' 'spiritual' and 'esoteric', Bernard Poolman for example was able to at least realise that, regardless of his personal adherance or disregard of the paradigm he existed within, he was still subject to that paradigm on a quantum physical level that he could not physically disregard. He knew that something was not quite right considering the continued diseases of thevhuman condition mentally, emotionally, and physically despite the dissemeniation of 'the word of god' all across the world.

He read through the publications of many works that attempt to make sense of the 'spirit' by other means than the 'status quo' of 'that which is holy' paradigm or even ones that even seem to persuade that 'spirtuality is the answer' as if anything outside the mundane goings of everyday within the system is somehow the 'real truth' and thus they can just choose to worship that without being subject to the majority view of 'the truth' and ' where its found'.

So Bernard Poolman or BP for short investigated all of these things extensively to the point of coming to the awareness that the mechanics involved within the paradigm can be used to achieve the goal the paradigm is so fervently seeking for, albeit an unconventional method and mostly if not completely unknown in the context of which he discovered it and therefore its real significance or quantum physical effects unknown within this context and never experienced before.

So when he discovered the power of forgiveness through reading and integrating all kinds of teachings and insights from those who sought to look beyond the horizon of the predominant paradigm of the system, he came upon a work called A Course in Miracles i believe that impacted him as far as discovering and practicing the power of forgiveness. So through his exploration of other works outside the mainstream of religious text yet seeking to understand the nature of the spirit world, god, and heaven etc. He came across this book(s) A Course in Miracles which iterated to him the power of forgiveness in a motivating way. He practiced this with some effect which gave him a clue that forgiveness was pretty damn important to getting to the kingdom. After all, all the worshippers 'want to go to heaven' and they supposedly will if they 'ask God to forgive them for their sins' or 'accept Jesus Christ as thou lord and savior because he died for your sins' thus a form of forgiveness by virtue of your confidence in another who 'has forgiven all already'.

Thus he finds that forgiveness is one of the keys to entering the kindgom as laid out by the predominant quantum physical consciousness paradigm.

He was extremely thorough in everything he did, which was the singular tenant that he would need to discover the mysteries of reality and thus find the keys to the kingdom. So this point of being able to take everything he did to the utmost of its potential and to his potential within it allowed him to discover this, thus revealing reality as a constant, and the 'world' to be 'in' reality but not 'of' reality, thus the paradigm which he subscribed to fervently in stages and became aware of its hold onto the physical in time, became apparent to him to be simply a circumstance of existence rather than the bare bones of it.

Thus he realised that the paradigm is simply a circumstance and given that circumstances can change, then he could change the 'paradigm' and thus change the 'world'. Or better yet he could utilize a better understanding of the paradigm to change his participation within it, creating and facillitating the perfection, expression, and change that he seeked.. Through changing how he would participate within the paradigm he was able to change himself within and without to that which everybody has been seeking and expecting from one another but never knew how to do or attain or pass along, and he was able to do this through understanding and manipulating the mechanics or 'rules' of the paradigm to actually create change.

So he learned that if he took this power of forgiveness as illustrated in the these works as himself, that he could act as god within the capacity of being able to pardon himself for that which he has sinned and continues to sin against. He learns then it actually works and begins to start to clean out his mind body's infestation with proccupations, temptations, desires, bad tendencies, bad habits, nasty thoughts, low self esteem, low self authority, and low levels of self responsibility which plagued him I assume as they have plagued us all to varying degrees at one point or another.

This profound discovery would set the stage for learning how the mind actually works and the relationship between the mind and body. Because through discovering self forgiveness and thus having the ability to delete the unnecessary and undesirable contents of his mind and then physically integrate this change into his reality which actually made a difference within him and those around him, the exposition of the system behind all of these precursors to sin would commence as we now had the keys to manipulating, changing, deleting, or rewriting the contents of one's mind.

Of which became apparent as the culprit behind all the sins of man over generations and thus needed to be understood for man to stop sinning for good and stop passing down those sins to successive generations out of figurative  blindness and actual ignorance.

In my next blog I will explore upon the nature of the original point that started this blog and expound upon that by referencing the system as the physical instistutions of this world and most importantly the money system as clear examples of how the system demands full responsibility from every individual, yet does not take full responsibility for the inequities that it promotes and promulgates that inhibit each individual from being able to achieve what it demands and articulate the hypocrisy that exemplifies and then present viable solutions to change this dynamic towards optimising full responsibility on both sides of the aisle so that there can be real accountavility eventually, optimally more weight going on the govt and institutions which have more power rather than as it currently is more so on the individual which doesnt receive all the necessary support it needs to fulfill its end of the bargain....