Friday, October 27, 2017

Day 208

The mind is a machine. It operates without you having to do anything in order for it to function. Within this the key point to realize within existing without awareness and with only consciousness is that design is such that what you accept and allow is that which will emanate from you and possess you completely as if it were you. The key is to take back the reins of your own life your own values and remove the programming from which you exist within consciousness as a result - and remove the inputs of that design for which you have created your reality in the image of this far - and understand how the mind works - within this understanding how the thoughts and memories form for which you are basing your life upon completely - within this not realizing that the real you that life force within you is not actually your consciousness nor does it come from consciousness - it comes from you as your physical body - that which you only have evidence for to exist in the first place - and that awareness has been fucked with extensively by your consciousness - trying to con you into believing thatbia the real you when it is not it is just a system for which has placed upon you from birth for you to not see reality and for you to not change yourself your life and the world as a whole - within that fulfilling one goal which is the MINd the reasources of earth which is the physical body - that alone indicate a conplete separation from reality in all its dimensions - beliecing consciousness is reality when it is not so.

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