Friday, October 13, 2017

Day 204

Today I was able to accomplish a couple of new creative things that made me see things a little bit differently. One was I was accomplished building a gate for a place within our fence that needed easy access to due to its higher traffic nature towards our the clothesline and storage shed. Another was brushing the horses for the first time up close by their sides. This was cool because usually due to mostly the fear that we are not comfortable with the horses enough - we usually stand between them and the fence. But finally I was able to go under the fence with ease due to removing a broken board and finally brushing them using a plastic palm brush. I definitely enjoyed this and the feeling of the horses trusting me to brush them and trusting me to stand next to them and feel their bodies. Another thing that was cool and new was I created my first website today - published one on one platform - and created 2 more and two different website creation platforms. It is an exciting process the unfolding of the creation of a business.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the fear of the process of creating a business - the factors that go into it - the diligence - and the qualities of creation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that I may lack or will lack the skills, traits, qualities, and abilities needed in order to successfully create, run, and maintain the existence of a profitable business venture.

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