Sunday, January 19, 2020

Day 300 - Elon Musk Reiterates Upcoming Need for UBI

I think one of the sad things about this election is how there can be such a candidate that makes so much sense and he articulates his point of view so well and so convincingly that people still dont get it and just write it off with a predominant excuse that one might take as a reason to not vote for him. I mean all of the reasons to vote for him are all there. Is he perfect? I wouldnt say that but he is a hell of a lot better than anyone running by a longshot. Is what he is proposing going to solve all of our problems all at once? No. But it will lay the foundation for the kind of economic and political dynamics we will need going into 2030 and beyond. This is simply because our society is growing and transforming faster than it ever has. Think about how A.I.'s ability to 'double its computational power' faster all the time, while the computational power of all the worlds computers doubles only every year on schedule? Are we prepared for the onset of rapid changes caused by advancements in technology and artificial intelligence?

I dont think we are even close. Yang said himself that he is runing for president because he doesnt want to wait too long for a similiar candidate to finally run and finally win because by then it might just be too late or at least long overdue while much of the catastrophes that could ensue could have been prevented had we elected him or someone of the like sooner.

Think about it...

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