Sunday, December 2, 2018

Day 243 - George H.W. Bush Died - After Thoughts

As the ex president George H.W. Bush has passed away 7 months after his long time wife passed in April of this year there have been expectedly many articles within the newspace about his passing, his legacy, his accolades, history, accomplishments, and by somes critique failures or misdoings. I think this is a good time for all who find this event within themselves or see this event as an opportunity to 'expose the real man' within the context of judging what he did or did not do as president of the most powerful nation on earth in modern times, to sit back and reflect on the true cause for somebody to do what he had done in his time, put yourselves in his shoes self-honestly, and contemplate the reasons for why he did what he did. Within this exercise keep it in your mind the principles of equality and oneness when examining his life especially if you find yourself tending to judge his actions, his morals, or his life as whole as far as the value he brought to the world. Also keep in your mind and try to understand that if we as a collective or individually continue to judge one another instead of seeing/realizing the true root or cause for one another's actions then we will never come to an understanding of one another or ourselves because within the principle of equality and oneness we are each other, existing as reflections of one another as references for who we are, and within that we each have a response-ability to act or respond in ways that are founded within these principles, as so doing would create the best consequences for them and ourselves. As long as understanding is missing, as long as we are not harped on coming to an understanding of ourselves and each other, and as long as we are 'hell bent' on taking revenge instead of coming to a solution, agreement, or mutual understanding, then the world will continue as it does to our inevitable demise individually and collectively as a consequence for our failures individual and collective to not take response-ability for our actions, what we create, how we create it, and how that ripples out unto the world.
Instead of judging the man, judge the systems to converged and compelled him to take the steps that he did, to no fault of his own but following what had already been practically laid out and planned for him since birth in a system of survivalism and competition as some sort of God or relgiion.

post on facebook in response to a post based in a judgmental nature regarding the life of George H W Bush :
The problem isn't Bush. Not to diminish the 'crimes' that he committed, but in this economic system he probably did what he did to further his accolades, resume, and pockets. That doesn't necessarily make him a criminal (albeit some of what he did violated international law such as the invasion of Iraq/Kuwait in the early 90's). The problem is the economic incentives that would compel an individual to do such things, directly or indirectly cause the deaths of many people armed or not, and take such actions that he did whether they be deemed 'just' or not. Probably many if not most of the things he did could be defended or justified in many ways using the amalgams that many if not most deem as self evident truths. Such as 'defending one's country'. How does one quantify what 'defending one's country' really entails when the answer is multi-faceted and based on a multidimensional, multifaceted set of factors? Eg. If oil were to be finite and each country had to manifest its own production or acquisition of it, and each country's economies were primarily based on this to keep running efficiently without a complete overhaul or sudden paradigm shift that would wreak havoc on its society, then wouldn't any means necessary to acquire or produce this material be deemed 'defending one's country'? How could not the entire country be deemed responsible for any injustices that occur under its watch? The real problem is the pasttimes handed down, traditions, beliefs, and ideals that many stick to regardless of the evidence of how so doing can create consequences for themselves, their families, their cultures, their countries, and their world as a whole.

When man's law is not directly attributed to and/or derived from 'god's' law there is a disconnect and no real accountability at a micro or macro level for anybody. This must change or else no man can be judged rightly or justly as everything compells him to such, as everybody blindly, tacitly, and drunkenly supports the very system that produces him to be such a way.

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