Sunday, December 2, 2018

Day 244 - Value of Facebook? Who should get all the profits?

There is nothing wrong with a free service that harvests its user information to generate a return on investment. Within capitalism that is totally fine and is a part of the whole goal of the service in the first place, to generate a profit. To say otherwise would be dishonest unless of course the profits somehow went back to the users at some point instead of just mainly the capital suppliers who provided the whole 'brick and mortar' foundation in the form of money aka. capital in the beginning and the service creators, managers, and servants.

This is why publishing is so important because within the capitalist system nothing creative gets done without the 'capitalists' investment into such things - and this is only influenced by the 'capitalists' 'aim goals'. Usually  that has to do with 'turning a profit' and 'generating cash flow' unless they are interested in 'changing the world' or 'making a difference'. Thus it could take many years before an idea, framework, or system, is actually implemented full scale inside the system due to the nature of how capitalists choose what is to be capitalised or not, this is why it is so important to publish no matter who you are because everyone has great ideas. They are just rarely written down, much less built, and 'once a blue moon' actually implemented to the point of being substantially etched into consciousness to where it is an ongoing 'paradigm', 'part of society', or becomes 'just the the way it is' as they say out of the lack for the ability to explain how things come about and form within society, human endeavor, human life, and human consicousness.

Which brings up an interesting point because within a service that is 'harvesting' its users information and the primary utility of that service is a 'medium to facillitate publishing' then that service's value is really derived from the users ingenuity in ideas that they 'publish' - not their information for which they can be targeted for advertising. That is only a part of the 'capitalist' ideal/notion of 'investing' which serves no purpose really but to make them money which is based out of survivalism(a false ideal and not best for all in practice). 

So if the value of a service is derived from the users 'publishings' then that would indicate that the 'exchange' would go to the 'highest ingenuity in thought published', 'consistency of ingenuity', 'paradigm shifting ingenuity of thought published',  instead of just to the 'harvester of personal information' who mainly just acts as facillitators and managers of the medium itself after it is implemented and expanded to the point of global popularity wherein that which is published is exchanged all over the world and thus by virtue of that reach it is changing the world. Thus the quality of that which is published becomes the metric by which to measure one's value that one has offered to the world through publishing on a service that is worldwide popular.

These intricacies are important to consider when a company produces a product or service that so many people use, and whether the brand that they are portraying is actually genuine at the end and in daily practice.

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