Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Day 287 -

Time and time again life is showing you that you cant continue on the path that you are on and believe in anything other than your own application. common sense dictates that that application should be in line with or aligned with self honesty and what is best for all because everything else is worldly self interest. When you begin to take part in that and delve within that you will come to grips with the fallacy of what you had been living and the fallacy of continuing down such an existence wherein you will also see the fallacies within others that are continuing down such paths and the predicament of having to deal with such people, which will then present themselves as barriers and they will be so actually, to the new truth that is you that you have discovered in a significant way in real time over time and the new truth about you and life as whole that you and others alike have yet to discover. The longer you go the more you will be inundated with the grips of the fallacy in order to pull you back in as if the fallacy in you or the old you and the fallacy of everyone else is like a hive where your fellow bees will start to do everything they can to bring you back to the hive if you were to go astray(not saying that bees do this..) This is so Because you now are a threat to their self identity that exists actually as a fallacy that they will not want to see as the truth of themselves as that is so scary and difficult to see and look at , much less actually face and attempt to change. In this way they will concede to that lie to such an extent that they would lie to themselves knowingly and even go so far as to sabotage and persecute another that stands for and as their best interest on their behalf.  the undending responsibility that comes along with actually walking the change that needs to be walked that others may show you that needs to be walked and the tasks of facing the fallacy head on wherein in so doing one outcasts themselves from the hive is so scary many will become treacherous towards others who are doing just that in order to maintain their illusion. To embark on and walk the path of those that are persecuted, slandered, and even killed takes guts. for doing so will expose all the seeds of the devil for its weeds are many among those of the sons of the kingdom. Be careful not to sow that which an angel would cast you into a fiery furnace for sowing as she will reap all that man has sown good and bad and will separate the two and keep that which is good and throw out the bad. And she has that authority as it is preprogrammed by the bible and she will do so not knowing she is even such a figure depicted in the bible. Then your christs will call upon many to listen to them bearing the consciousness of christ without having done any real work to compare themselves to christ , and those who actually are and have some credibility will never reveal such explicity in any way whatsoever.

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