Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is Competition Really A Good Thing Even in the Eyes of the Evolutionist

Ok does competition really serve the best interests of all? Well lets examine this. Evolution is based on the concept that man has evolved from lower species. Did we really evolve from 'lower' species? Most likely not since no one is actually proving that they are smarter than say a dog or a cat because everyone is supporting a system of inequality that is also destroying the planet. So on that basic premise how can anybody be actually smarter than a dog or a cat when these animals actually love their neighbor but yet humans still struggle to meet this most basic task?

Are we getting smarter?
Clearly we are not actually getting smarter. But the answer to this one lies within the context of which it is being asked. Are humans dumber? Yes. How so? Well we are destroying the planet at an ever increasing rate. Is that evolution? Is that the end result of being EVOLved? It doesn't make any sense. If we were to be evolving while the essence of evolution is to get smarter than would we devastate our own planet? Would we devastate our own species? So that point is easily debunked. It just doesn't have any backing except if you were to use the example of how we have discovered mathematics and physics and all that stuff but these things have not really been used by us for better ultimate purposes because we continue to destroy and annihilate everything in sight.

Natural Selection?
Who would select the human to do anything of worth and value? We are the dumbest species on this planet. That is the brutal self-honest truth. It is no competition. The human would lose every time.

Well looks at this one in the eyes of the biologist. Does 'competition' serve humanity's best interests in terms of evolution? No. Why? Eyes of evolutionist: (Because the only way we have gotten to where we are today is through working together. The only way the human species has become more complex is through our sophisticated use of language and communication to propel us into the highest realms of the animals on the planet. Specifically the development of the voice box has propelled us into new realms of communication which has thus ultimately led us into the way we are today. Our sophisticated use of language is that which has given us the capacity to develop the means of which we are able to communicate today. Our ability to communicate - our ability to work together was the ultimately the point which separated us from the lower monkeys and put us into a new category of evolved species.)

Ok thats the evolutionist argument (the smart one). So looking from the point of view of the smart evolutionist then actually competition makes no sense whatsoever. So advanced evolutionary theory actually debunks the myth that competition is somehow the actual point where humans are better than all the other animals.

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