Sunday, March 4, 2012

2012 is Actual Bullshit

Nothing is going to happen in 2012 because this is reality and reality is not interested in bullshit lies propagated by the elite to keep people distracted and waiting in hope of some big event that might shake things up or change the way we see the world. You must be the point of changing how you see/perceive the world. Nobody is going to change things for anyone else. No magic occurrence of ascendance of consciousness is going to happen. That is all actually bullshit.

So for the time being focus on the actual reality of the world as it is today where we have a system that is abusing the world and abusing the earth. A system of bullshit inequality where people are not treated as the same and humans are playing god destroying the earth, the animals, and the plants. A system where humans have no regard for human life, plant life, or animal life. A system where humans are causing/perpetuating the extinction of millions of different species of animals and plants every single year. A system that is fucking up our own chances of ever coming to a point of self-stability and balance with the planet earth. We must be the change which we seek in the world and that isn't going to happen on its own through magical occurrences or events. We must make the world the way we want it to be. This takes commitment, responsibility, common sense, and looking at the actual nature of reality as it currently exists. Taking responsibility for ourselves as the earth and creating a new world breath by breath. Focus on the breath because that is actually going to be a point where we can change the world within and as being aware of the causes of the problems that we face.

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