Saturday, March 24, 2012

Equal Money Will End the Organic Movement

        The "Organic" movement within the food industry is a disaster of preposterous proportions. First of all it has no basis on reality. It is completely void of any common sense or common knowledge on the world or how things actually work. See "organic" is actually a word for expensive. That is the only real difference between organic apples vs. "commercial" apples. Commercial apples are actually less "commercial" than the organic apples. The appeal of "organic" is totally based on money. People have created this "organic" movement because they see that people want to buy shit that is more expensive. So they put this "organic" tag on food and somehow it is like magically awesome and has to be better than the other food. But it is all a scam to get people to buy shit that is more expensive and in most cases twice as much as the regular food. Thats ridiculous.
         Organic makes people feel less angry with themselves because they are buying "organic" so they are "contributing" in some way. But really they are actually venting their anger by buying shit that is more expensive for no particular reason at all. "Ok I'll buy this because it is more expensive so I will feel better about myself as a human being" whenever the organic tag means nothing at all. It's like throwing their money away out of sheer anger.

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