Saturday, March 24, 2012

Equal Money Will End the Organic Movement

        The "Organic" movement within the food industry is a disaster of preposterous proportions. First of all it has no basis on reality. It is completely void of any common sense or common knowledge on the world or how things actually work. See "organic" is actually a word for expensive. That is the only real difference between organic apples vs. "commercial" apples. Commercial apples are actually less "commercial" than the organic apples. The appeal of "organic" is totally based on money. People have created this "organic" movement because they see that people want to buy shit that is more expensive. So they put this "organic" tag on food and somehow it is like magically awesome and has to be better than the other food. But it is all a scam to get people to buy shit that is more expensive and in most cases twice as much as the regular food. Thats ridiculous.
         Organic makes people feel less angry with themselves because they are buying "organic" so they are "contributing" in some way. But really they are actually venting their anger by buying shit that is more expensive for no particular reason at all. "Ok I'll buy this because it is more expensive so I will feel better about myself as a human being" whenever the organic tag means nothing at all. It's like throwing their money away out of sheer anger.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Vote For The Equal Money System!

Vote for the Equal Money System! Where life will be dignified and no longer abused in the name of self-interest. Vote for an Equal Life for All!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Equal Money System For Everyone

The Equal Money System will ensure that all will get to live a good dignified life.
No more will life be stifled and abused for profit.
Since all will have an equal amount of money there will be no need to profit. Since everybody will have an equal amount of money everyone will have access to basic living necessities. Basic necessities will be supplied to everyone. Basic living necessities shouldn't come at a cost - One should not have to work just to live. That is bullshit.
       Everyone should have equal money to live on. Everyone should be free from living on less than two dollars a day. Everyone should be free from the nature of the capitalist work system. Nobody should have to struggle to survive.
      Equal Money will help sort out people's fear of each other and the work system. Everybody will be able to choose where they would like to work.
       Equal Money will set people free from fear and free from anxiety of the current Capitalist work system. Equal Money will give everybody the opportunity to live a dignified life. The equal money system will give everyone the opportunity to live without fear and without anxiety of tomorrow. Everybody will just be able to live free and live without inhibition. The Equal Money System will give everyone the opportunity to get over their fears, beliefs, ideas, and judgments. Fear will no longer exist in the Equal Money System. In the Equal Money System money will be equivalent to reality as love your neighbor.

We Are the System

     Currently we are the system meaning we are all responsible for the world as it exists today. We are equal and one to the system as our nature. So we must change the nature of the system as ourselves and then change the world system as the outer manifestation of our inner change. We Are the System meaning we are responsible for every single manifestation that is existent within this world as consequence of what the system will accept and allow. So we are equal to the abuse of the banks, corporations, and presidents. We are responsible for the nature of the system as it exists today. We have compromised ourselves extensively to the belief that it 'isn't us' but its 'them'. The truth is that we are all participants and we are all movers/doers within the system. Therefore if we were to be able to change the system then we should do it because that would be what is best for all. The fact that we would be able to change the system is evidence that we are the system and thus our ability to change it reflects the ability to change human nature. So we should change the system because we are currently equal and one to the system as it currently exists in all its manifestations of abuse and dishonesty. We take self-responsibility for the system within through forgiving ourselves for the systems that we have allowed and releasing these systems from our physical bodies. Also we can release the built up energy within our minds by breathing and forgiving ourselves. We are the nature of the system that we have all come to accept and allow so therefore it is also our responsibility to change ourselves as this accepted and allowed nature. Lets give ourselves the chance to change ourselves through writing ourselves to freedom, self-honesty, and self-forgiveness for what we have accepted and allowed within ourselves. That would be what is best for all as well as what is also best for ourselves in the long term. Our reality depends upon our own understanding of what is here and nature of the system as it exists so lets find within ourselves the ability to forgive and love our neighbors as ourselves.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Equal Money For All - No Discrimination on Age, Race, or Color

The Equal Money System is a system that supports all life no matter what race, age, or color. All will be supported. So don't worry about if you feel or think that you might not be included because of your race, or age, or your language. Anybody has the ability to be included in the system. We do not discriminate based on age, race, color, or language. The Equal Money System stands for what is best for all and that is it. We cannot discount certain groups based on age, race, language, or color. All will be included in the system so long as you see the common sense of what is best for all. Everyone deserves to live a good life without having to exist on less than two dollars a day. We have the solution.

Equal Money For All To Live A Dignified Life

The Equal Money System will serve to support all of humanity in dignity. Also the animals, the plants, and the insects will be held in highest regard within this system. All will be free to laugh and play instead of being confined to the system that we have today which constricts and chokes the essence of life in each individual, plant, and animal. No longer shall Capitalism keep us down and suppressed from doing what it is that we are here to do. We are here to be custodians of earth and treat the planet as we would like to be treated so lets start doing it.

Is Competition Really A Good Thing Even in the Eyes of the Evolutionist

Ok does competition really serve the best interests of all? Well lets examine this. Evolution is based on the concept that man has evolved from lower species. Did we really evolve from 'lower' species? Most likely not since no one is actually proving that they are smarter than say a dog or a cat because everyone is supporting a system of inequality that is also destroying the planet. So on that basic premise how can anybody be actually smarter than a dog or a cat when these animals actually love their neighbor but yet humans still struggle to meet this most basic task?

Are we getting smarter?
Clearly we are not actually getting smarter. But the answer to this one lies within the context of which it is being asked. Are humans dumber? Yes. How so? Well we are destroying the planet at an ever increasing rate. Is that evolution? Is that the end result of being EVOLved? It doesn't make any sense. If we were to be evolving while the essence of evolution is to get smarter than would we devastate our own planet? Would we devastate our own species? So that point is easily debunked. It just doesn't have any backing except if you were to use the example of how we have discovered mathematics and physics and all that stuff but these things have not really been used by us for better ultimate purposes because we continue to destroy and annihilate everything in sight.

Natural Selection?
Who would select the human to do anything of worth and value? We are the dumbest species on this planet. That is the brutal self-honest truth. It is no competition. The human would lose every time.

Well looks at this one in the eyes of the biologist. Does 'competition' serve humanity's best interests in terms of evolution? No. Why? Eyes of evolutionist: (Because the only way we have gotten to where we are today is through working together. The only way the human species has become more complex is through our sophisticated use of language and communication to propel us into the highest realms of the animals on the planet. Specifically the development of the voice box has propelled us into new realms of communication which has thus ultimately led us into the way we are today. Our sophisticated use of language is that which has given us the capacity to develop the means of which we are able to communicate today. Our ability to communicate - our ability to work together was the ultimately the point which separated us from the lower monkeys and put us into a new category of evolved species.)

Ok thats the evolutionist argument (the smart one). So looking from the point of view of the smart evolutionist then actually competition makes no sense whatsoever. So advanced evolutionary theory actually debunks the myth that competition is somehow the actual point where humans are better than all the other animals.

"When will the world get better?"

The world will get better when everyone has committed themselves to the process of equality and focuses on that as their life goal. When everyone has achieved this point of commitment then things will slowly get better but it can go a lot faster if everyone was looking objectively at the solutions to the world's problems. If we aren't looking at global solutions to the problems we face then we aren't really do anything to save the world. We must be focused on the problems at hand and the solutions to these problems. Once we have each reached a point where we each see that the world must change then we can change the world in way that is beneficial to all. It must be a solution that is best for all in the immediate short term or else it won't be a solution at all. It must be solution that includes everybody or else it won't be a global solution or a world solution - it will only be self-interested idea of a solution that isn't really a solution. So our solutions must be global and they must include the best interest of everyone on this planet in order for them to work. The Equal Money System will sort out the world in its accepted and allowed nature as what we as human beings are currently accepting and allowing. Equal Money will set everyone free from their fears and anxieties within this world and within this reality. No one will have struggle to survive and no will have to endure unnecessary pain and hardship in the name of inequality and no money. All will have the ability to live a dignified life without the unnecessary pain and hardship that goes along with the current capitalist system. NO ONE should have to live on two dollars a day or 30 cents an hour wage. THAT IS BULLSHIT. The way we have created the system in its current image and likeness is that of bullshit and inequality that isn't necessary for us to continue living. We don't need a system that enhances and condones competition for us to succeed and thrive as a species. So support a dignified solution for the rest of the world and that is the Equal Money System. "Things will only get better" when each and every individual starts doing their part in establishing a system of equality that will end the suffering and abuse that is existent on this planet. Suggest to consider a solution that will immediately bring about a better world for all and not one that will take decades to develop.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Exposing the Jesus Freaks as Cowards

        All of the people who claim that Jesus is the answer are cowards in the most real sense you can imagine. Coward-ism is where you sway away from doing something that will be best for all or prevent unnecessary harm but jesus freaks do not want to do this - all they want is to have their own cup of tea and play their own mind games as long as 'heaven' is in store for them. But this will not happen because these freaks will not play the role of 'love thy neighbor as thyself'. Why? Because they are too stupid to see anything that is real. They are too stupid to see anything that is common sensically best for all. They are fucking dumb. They are so many points that negate and discredit religion in every sense but these do not want to be seen by the freaks. They are trivial points in their mind along with their 'God' that will never save them. Religion is a mental disorder. Get help.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Equal Money System

.      The Equal Money System is a system that will uplift and dignify the world. It will set everyone free from the fears and the boundaries that we have set between each other. It is a system that will dignify all life and bring all people together no matter their culture, language, and race. It will keep everyone happy in that everybody will have what they need to live for their entire lives without ever having to worry about surviving. The Equal Money System will bring actual equality and oneness as living actuality on the planet earth. Animals, plants, and humans will revel in their unity and overcome all borders and fears of each other.

        With a dignified wage everyone will be content in their knowing that their work is dignified. The Equal Labor System will set persons free from their fear of working as well as their inhibitions regarding the nature of the capitalist work system. No longer will one be working just merely to survive but actually working to develop their skills and abilities as well as growing in their personal fulfillment.

         With insights into the way we have developed the system as it currently is today we begin to understand how deeply we have compromised our own integrity and self-fulfillment through abdication of self-responsibility and abdication of world-responsibility.

         Together we can create a world that is best for all. A world that not only will support everyone equally but also lift up and dignify even the most wretched of all species. The Human.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What Equal Money will Do for Humanity

Equal Money will set everyone free from their fears of people and society. With a living wage that can be relied on everyone will be free to live without having to survive which is the main point of this society we have constructed, that one must put forth work in order to have the chance to live. The Equal Money System will end all fear of societies and its people. Allowing for a new type of human to emerge and a new way of life.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Equal Money System as NEW System of DIGNITY

           The Equal Money System is a new system that works in the best interest of all living things. The animals, the plants, and the earth itself is held in the highest regard within this system. So support a system that holds these things in the highest regard and support all to lead a dignified life.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

2012 is Actual Bullshit

Nothing is going to happen in 2012 because this is reality and reality is not interested in bullshit lies propagated by the elite to keep people distracted and waiting in hope of some big event that might shake things up or change the way we see the world. You must be the point of changing how you see/perceive the world. Nobody is going to change things for anyone else. No magic occurrence of ascendance of consciousness is going to happen. That is all actually bullshit.

So for the time being focus on the actual reality of the world as it is today where we have a system that is abusing the world and abusing the earth. A system of bullshit inequality where people are not treated as the same and humans are playing god destroying the earth, the animals, and the plants. A system where humans have no regard for human life, plant life, or animal life. A system where humans are causing/perpetuating the extinction of millions of different species of animals and plants every single year. A system that is fucking up our own chances of ever coming to a point of self-stability and balance with the planet earth. We must be the change which we seek in the world and that isn't going to happen on its own through magical occurrences or events. We must make the world the way we want it to be. This takes commitment, responsibility, common sense, and looking at the actual nature of reality as it currently exists. Taking responsibility for ourselves as the earth and creating a new world breath by breath. Focus on the breath because that is actually going to be a point where we can change the world within and as being aware of the causes of the problems that we face.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why the world is the way it is

The world is the way it is because of money. We have not given everyone an equal amount of money from birth till death. So this is why the world is the way it is. Chaos, famine, disease, starvation, crime, rape, murder, war - the result of inequality - inequality within money.