Sunday, September 1, 2019

Day 285 - Implications of A System of Broken Incentives

So one of the more interesting parts to this proposal of a guaranteed $1,000 a month in the form of cash payment from the govt for being over the age of 18 is how this will offset alot of the programs that are currently in place that millions of Americans already depend on for their livelihood. For example this cash payment could offset or even outpace most americans monthly payment they receive from social security disability. This has vast implications down to the very resonances of the human being as their self identification and self image through the words that they utter and attach themselves to as part of the totality of the words that define them and they will live moving forward. The self identification of 'disabled' is completely counterintuitive for achieving and accomplishing more in your life even if you are actually physically disabled and better yet achieving and accomplishing more despite that you are actually disavled. This not only is counterproductive from a structural resonance point of view where words are  acting as the total embodiment of ones reality wherein to attach oneself to words or self definitions that are inherently limiting on their own stands as a perpetual act of self defeat, but it is also counterproductive because the penalties that come about as a result of sort of stepping out of bounds of your limitation and the severely limiting self definition of being 'disabled' actually punishes you for striving for more which actually disincentivizes becoming more productive even if one is gradually or quickly able to as a change of events. This mode of disincentivization has vast implications and overarching effects on the minds bodies and souls of people and therefore the animals plants and the universe as a whole that is overall not good for each nor all involved. This mode of incentivization condones and rewards those that better portray their self designation as almost a form of art even in cases wherein more can be achieved or at least strived towards. This is also a matter of law in many ways wherein to look the part is essential to avoiding potential threats or questions as to the validity of ones disability as a matter of authenticity wherein to be caught doing so would be an act of fraud and a serious crime. So with this sort of dynamic in order for one to be 'authentic' in terms of fitting the picture portrayal of their condition, in many ways and in many cases they must over exxagerate their condition in order to avoid even the slightest doubt in the minds of their peers, family, and goverment employees that assess the authenticity of each case individually. This disincentivizes the basic human need to feel like they are striving for more and challenging themselves despite their limitations whether those limitations be real and involuntary, fake, or self imposed and actually incentivizes further counterproductive behaviors such as attempting to appear more disabled than one actually is in order to further secure their livelihood and sustenance by playing the part as best can be. This single paradigm is probably the most crucial and most important regarding the total relevance of implementing something such as a $1,000 a month income guarantee from the government compared to every other effect that such a policy would have not only for each invidual but for our macro society as well.

This is because our self definitions make up who we are and that resonance echoes throughout the universe and creates reality. To have an economic policy that is proactive in helping people reach their full potential, to always strive for more and the better of themselves and of those around them. With that approach it is practical to have the security blanket if one were to fail in any endeavor socthey will be able to pick themselves back up as a result of the structural resonance embodied with such unconditional support.

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