Saturday, March 2, 2013

Elitism is a form of Terrorism

When September 11 happened it 'shocked' the United States and maybe the rest of the world - or maybe the rest of the world quietly said 'they had it coming'. Regardless it happened and people were shocked they said 'how could this happen' - 'so many innocent men and women were killed - families were destroyed'.

What we don't see is how we are creating mass murder through our current system - how the haves ignore or even don't hear or know about the existence of the have nots - everybody hears that their are starving people - but we generally don't know to what extent - and we don't ask ourselves WHY.

Is capitalism really a form of benevolence that allows humans to live in a better world? If it was so great then why would anybody starve?

The comparison of elitism and terrorism is true because the haves don't do anything about the existence of have nots. Instead of just charities and small band aids to our overall disease - which is similar to how our medical system operates - band aids applied to diseases which could be prevented in the first place or truly healed - while deliberately distributing nearly worthless drugs that do not prevent but only seek to minimize the symptoms.

Notice how charity is almost like a band aid - yes it will severely impact the lives that it reaches but it doesn't have any lasting change as to the condition of poverty as a whole.

So we as the elite are applying band aids to the problems of starvation and inequality - instead of rearranging the core foundation of our system into one that is the example of what would breed and create benevolence as a living reality for all.

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