Tuesday, February 26, 2013

" i don't know what to do" character

I have this experience of "I don't know what to do" a lot. This is in my everyday experience pretty extensively - I think about how I am going to make enough money in order to be able to pay my own bills. This is the main thing I have worry about - how I am going to pay my bills - and how I am going to be able to stop having to borrow money from my brother all the time.

I think about when I will be able to pay my own bills - will I be scraping by - or will it happen whenever I am making decent money where I maybe even have more money left over to spend on things like clothes and household stuff and what not - I also imagine that when I have money I would have a nice apartment and drive a nice car - or maybe a different car. Whenever I imagine that I am making good money it's always like seemingly in the 4000 a month range. Maybe one of these days I will find a good job or start a new career. I set a goal to be a real estate agent. It costs about 1000 dollars for all the schooling and the license application fee. I have had my mind on this in the past but now I have just now come back to it as a career idea at least so I can start to make some decent living. But would this hinder from pursuing other more important interests? I've though about studying homeopathic medicine and becoming a homeopathic doctor. I don't know what the schooling is like for that - how much it costs - where I can get the schooling - and how much time in school before I would have my own practice. It seems interesting to me because I have learned through desteni that homeopathy is the avenue for which the body heals itself from ailments - I have never practically personally used homeopathy for any sort of ailment or condition like anxiety or depression so I have no personal experience with the medicine. But the principle of 'like cures like' makes sense to me even though I have never used homeopathy. I would need to research this as a career opportunity and to see what it would cost where and how long it would require for schooling.

This would go along the lines of a career that I would feel as though I would really be helping people through healing in a natural way but I would need to research it more extensively before I would start the schooling.

I have also extensively thought about becoming a lawyer or studying law going to law school. One of the things that comes up in my thoughts whenever I so start to think about becoming a lawyer or just studying law is 'what if I don't make it' - 'what if I can't keep up with the course study'? So these thoughts are one of those things that would hinder me from doing something based on fear of 'not getting in' 'not having enough money' and 'not having the drive /motivation in order to do well in the course study'. But this drive/motivation fear like 'what if I don't have the drive/motivation to keep up with the course work' is a big fear for me because last year I studied psychology only one class was psychology but the other classes were just basics - I failed a course and that was disappointing to me because it was like 'blahhhh' the entire coursework. I did we'll in the psychology class even though it was fairly straightforward and easy for me - plus it was intriguing and got my curious side brewing - but as far as going to school it was kind of like 'ehh it's alright but I'm not having a shitload of interesting study'. Plus the entire time I didn't have a car and I didn't have very much money and I didn't have any job. Plus I started drinking a lot during the summer after school.

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