Saturday, April 28, 2012

Equal Money is an Exact Science

Equal Money is a scientific and mathematic system of equality that ensures all are equal in dignity. There are no puppets or puppet masters - there are only real individuals who are here together as one as equal and no hierarchies. Many would oppose the Equal Money System(after first glance) as they claim that a hierarchy of power would still exist - someone missing the point that everybody would be equal in their power which is symbolically represented through money and thus all have equal money so all are equally powerful. The only reason one would oppose an Equal Money System would be fear of giving up their current personality profile of being wealthy or 'intelligent'. No one with actual wisdom or insight into the way the world really works would deny that the Equal Money System is what is best for all. The wealthy ultra billionaires won't want to give up their power because they are blind on this power - but most are actually way on the bottom or the middle of the money pyramid scheme.

No one with any common sense would refute the validity of the Equal Money System as a system of dignifying life and the value of human beings. If one were to refute the validity of the Equal Money System they must realize their own self-declaration within that stance - "I am worthless - I must have something to motivate me to get out of bed in the morning - I would refuse to get out of bed even if I was a millionaire because I simply have everything I need and that makes me useless". Capitalism is founded upon the idea that the human being is inherently worthless - thus the system perpetuates this belief through one being forced to make money just to survive - just as if something is required for the human to do something - some motivation.

Which is obviously not the case because does anybody go do the fun stuff that we like to do 'because we have to'  - no... We do those things because we enjoy them. We go to work because we have to but that is only because the basic premise of work within this system is means to survive - for very few it is a means to acquire more goods - but for most it is just to survive. We must take the survivalist aspect out of work completely before anybody will really be able to enjoy what they do.

Because everyone only does what they do to make money - what if your job didn't pay? Would you still do it because you like it and try to scrape by off of food stamps? The majority of people wouldn't. Whenever we are making decisions according to money which is always the case one may realize that no one has any actual choice because money is the decider.

We move according to money and money decides who lives and who dies - so no one has an actual real choice - it is always money related. 'What should we buy the kids for Christmas' - money related - nothing moves without money.

The blatant inequality within money is staggering to where we have all becomes slaves to the system where our ride is based upon how greedy we can be and how power hungry we can become. But these traits do not support ourselves nor each other or the earth, the animals, and the plants. Equal Money will set all of this straight. No inequality - no ridiculous behaviors and no more money deciding the course of your life - only you the decider of who you are as who you would like to be.

Where does science come in with Equal Money? Well it comes in when equating the necessity of such a system. We are in dyer requirement of a change towards equality that without it we will fail. So mathematically, scientifically the system we have is flawed. One person dead from starvation = mathematically bankrupt system.

When the system cannot even supply for its own we know the system is scientifically, mathematically, and obviously fucked.

So we need to establish a system that supports for all those equally as in dignity. When we do this we will have mathematically sound equation within the basis of a system and that should be simple - basic mathematics almost anybody familiar with numbers can see. Where anybody can see that if only one person is left out than the entire system is flawed thus must be re-examined. All must be included for a system to function or else it will always fail completely because it doesn't support those which function within it.

So lets end the mathematically bankrupt money system and replace it with a new system that everybody can see it is best for all. That way we have a system that functions within and as the context of the design of the people that are here and supplies for them all. 

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