Saturday, April 14, 2012

Listen To Immortal Technique

       Immortal Technique speaks/spits about reality, life, and truth. He speaks about economics, slavery, racism, and government corruption. All of these things need to be addressed because we are in a world that does not consider the value of all life as equal. We must value all life equally and give to each other as we would like to receive. This is the only way the message of Jesus will be actualized as love thy neighbor as thyself.

Immortal Technique will spit fire about any topic that he see's is a central issue currently within America, Latin America, or the rest of the world. So listen to him and be grateful you got someone there who's spreading the message of how corrupt, abusive, and racist the system is at its core. Be grateful you got someone who is really standing up doing what he can to let everyone know what the system is all about and how it is affecting the earth.

Lets stand up for a system that is best for all life and no longer allow the abusive monetary system keep us in shackles and chains for the rest of our lives! The solution is here: Equal Money System. Lets establish the Basic Income Grant to alleviate the suffering that is currently existent within this system where 1/3 of the world does not have proper water/sanitation and where half the world lives on less than 2 US dollars a day - where children in Asia are working day in day out for 15 cents an hour and children in Africa are being fed medicines and vaccines instead of given proper water.

We don't have to remain slave to the system of Capitalism any longer! We can fight to establish a system that is best for all and establish a system that will alleviate the suffering in the transition. Grant a Basic Income to all so that we can all start honoring each other as equals as life here with respect and dignity. Grant each other the life that each would want to have for themselves through establishing an Equal Money System.

1 comment:

  1. Cool Chris

    Let's make Him hear what we are here to say. Thanks for sharing
