Friday, January 25, 2019

Day 250 - Electrical Mechanical Systems

Electronics are taking over the world of engineering. We used to have mechanical engineering. Now our mechanical engineering is almost completely dictated by electrical engineering which controls every aspect of how a mechanical system will function. And now we are moving closer to having mechanical systems solely relying on electricity to function instead of just being regulated, modulated, and activated by electricity. So that would be an electrical mechanical system. This is all well and good but the problem is that the more sophisticated this becomes the more these electrical mechanical systems start to become autonomous, self sufficient, and self directive within their scope and bounds of application. The problem with that is that these systems would be able to design and build more effective systems at functioning within greater bounds and scopes than the ones that came before them and built them in the first place. The end result of this would be machines ruling machines ruling machines wherein the initial organic catalyst for this would be obsolete and only relevant so much as they would be able to help power these systems indefinitely, reduced to only a  means to power such systems, which come to function much more effectively than their organic counterparts ever could have.


What I described was depicted in the movie called The Matrix to the utmost detail.

You've been warned...

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