Saturday, April 12, 2014

Human Nature: Nature or Programmed Part 2

Ok I'm going back to this blog and addressing the part 2 to my previous blog post. So Human Nature: Nature or Programmed. So continuing where I left off in the first part of the last blog I was discussing 'Nature' as a base design that absolutely nothing can change. For example: Lets say that human nature was to grow up and maim and kill everything in sight. Now if this was its real 'nature' then lets say it grows up in a pack of monkeys - raised by monkeys and does everything monkeys do - then its nature would have to come out sooner or later. It would begin to maim and kill essentially its family - the monkeys - and everything else it could get its hands on. Now there is the belief that humans are inherently 'evil'. Now this is true to an extent but could it have ever been prevented? The interesting note here is that there is no evidence of this type of 'nature' coming out in people who were raised by wolves for example.

So basically I'm saying that human nature is a part of an upbringing. Consisting of every single thing that exists - and the nature of that - essentially all coming together to compose the human being. If composition is what creates 'human nature' then its not exactly a 'natural thing' is it? It is only naturally pre-programmed into the human to do what he does which comes from its environment. Now for example once this pre-programming has been enstilled it does essentially become 'nature' because once its there - who's going to take it out? The participants have to take it out because they are the driving force behind this 'nature'. They allowed all of these things and have participated in them therefore if it is to be it is up to the participant. 

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