Sunday, July 29, 2012

Money as Debt

The current accepted and allowed money system is an utter disgrace to reality. It does not even establish the rule of law as oneness and equality here as all that is here as life. The Equal Money System will give all the ability to live as oneness as equality as the living principle as each and everyone's existence here on this planet.

With this there is great opportunity to see and explore the nature of the world and this existence. Without this economic system of ingenuity and utter competence then there will be much suffering because the current economic system that does not give to all as each would like for themselves will eventually fail utterly completely.

With this in mind we should not wait to establish a system that will sustain the world and will sustain the population here on this planet. The economic system of debt is inherently incompetent in stabilizing the world as it functions today. The current economy system is debt based thus the never ending cycle of creating more debt is the operation in which it continues to sustain itself. However this is not in the interest of all that is functioning within and as this system as the very existence of debt hints at an inevitable collapse of the world economy.

Debt is the way the economic system runs as it is required for the economy to keep the system going because the very existence of the economy is based on debt and the creation of more debt - so if there were no debt within the system essentially that would mean that there would be no money in the system - unless of course we change the system to an Equal Money System where all debt will be relieved and all will be equal. This system relies on the hope of being able to infinitely consume every resource on the planet but within this we see a fatal flaw - a system based on consumption - instead of sustainability - instead of re-engineering how we exist as an entire establishment according to the ability of human functionality - we have a system based on infinite growth in a world of finite resources. A system which is not designed in the image and likeness of reality as how the world actually operates but instead a system that is mentally flawed by its inherent design since it does not take into consideration the resources we have left. With the debt based system there is a tendency to believe that everything will sort itself out and the economy will basically fix itself - however we are entering a time when the value of money has never been so inflated. The economy is failing and the world can see this at every turn as money depreciates value every day and world riots/crisis ensues ever further to the brink of chaos. 

This is the point of establishing the Equal Money System. As the resources will soon dry up if we do not take self-responsibility for this world system as a whole. We could be faced with a dark time ahead where the system will no longer take care of anybody including those that live in wealthy nations. A time where the value of money is so inflated that nobody can buy anything because there isn't enough purchasing power - and the resources have become so finite that the price of oil is too high for the system to function normally. This is what we could be faced with in the very near future if we don't stand up to take responsibility for this world system/economy.

Join the drive to establish the Equal Money System so that everybody will be equally supported and cared for in a system that honors all life as equal.

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