Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why the System does not give to All Equally

      The current monetary system is one of free-will and free-choice. Free-will is the opportunity to give as you would like to receive while free will within the context of this system is the will of thievery and injustice. Justice will not be served in a society that values free-choice over the choice that is best for all life on this planet. Justice is the value of life that is served in the best interest of all of humanity.
      Money should be the essence of who we are as equal as one. Money as a means to profit is not the system that will bring about a life that is dignified and equal. Whenever we allow ourselves to accept and embrace equality as a principle for the system then our actions and our living will reflect this agreement as that which is best for all life.

      The system we are continuing within this world is not one of equality but one of individuality. Whenever the system does not consider the value of each person as equal then we therefore will be so inclined to commit acts of inequality, injustice, and self-interest wherein we actually disregard the sanctity of life itself. The value of life should be the value in which our economic system should be based as a system of equality that lifts up and supports life.

      Capitalism itself is a tyrannical system that is perpetuating much inequality and injustice. This is why the foundation of a system must be in the best interest of all. Capitalism breeds fascism and hierarchies due to the belief and perpetuation of the idea that some are better than others but others will have to work their to the top to experience the lifestyle of those who are rich and famous. The point is not to see how one may experience the fruits of their labors within a mass-murdering system that does not consider all life as equal - The point must be to see how each may be able to give to each other as each would like to receive and serve the interest of all for and as the individual. It must be about taking the skills and abilities that one has to offer and applying these skills to a system that rewards each and every single human being equally. Without a system that gives and receives there will be conflict and strife. It is known that the world is based upon the principles of which men follow and establish - thus the conflict that exists shall end once the principle of equality is the means for living and breathing in this world. the era of injustice, unlawful laws, and inconceivable acts of injustice shall be deemed the result of inequality and self-interest within the economic system of capitalism. It must be said that life is the principle of equality and oneness - as any other example of living opposed to this one shall be deemed incongruent to the rules of life and the way the affairs of men shall be conducted

     It is without question that life is sacred thus concluding that one must give to others to be deemed the example and reason for life itself. Judgment comes with injustice thus leading to inequality and incongruency with the example of life as equality and oneness.

     When injustice and incongruency with the values of life rein supreme as an ultimate foundation for a system - life will be abused , neglected, and destroyed because the system creates that which it is founded upon. No system of inequality will ever work because it is not considering the organic whole of life as an entity - thus always will lead to the same end of and as destruction.

    Capitalism will not bring about a good world where all are able to live without fear and without basic needs. This tyrannical system will perpetuate haves and have-nots as the system will create the essence of inequality as taking without giving and eating without feeding because this the foundation of capitalism.

    Without a system of true justice as give and take the essence of life on this planet which manifests as a reflection of its image and likeness will create that which does not embrace the true essence of every single human, animal, and plant. The true essence of each human, animal, and plant is a reflection of what is here and will always be here as a balance of give/take. Currently the capitalist system is not accepting this which will perpetuate the image and likeness of abuse and neglect all in the name of free-will and free-choice - without consideration for all parts of the earth.

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