Friday, June 29, 2012

The Equal Money Solution

      The Equal Money System is the solution that we have all been waiting for - the system that we have not established but we must establish because it is our call of duty - our duty to become stewards of the earth and bring oneness in fact as a living actuality.

We Should Establish Equality as Equal Money

   We should be establishing an economic monetary system namely the Equal Money System. This way everybody has what they require to survive and thrive within this world and within this reality. This way nobody goes starving each night and nobody goes hungry at all. This system will lead to a life and world that is dignified and actually free. This system will provide for all human beings equally and will allow all to live in real peace and real harmony. This system will give to all human beings equally so that everyone will have what they require to live a dignified life without unnecessary pain or suffering. Everybody would have equal money from birth till death dand this would allow everybody to live free of fear and anxiety. When everybody has an equal amount of money then money can be freedom from slavery and we can all be one in our application of who we are in dignity and freedom.
   If we give everybody an equal opportunity in this world then everybody can and will succeed. Everybody would be part of an equal standard of living in dignity and in health. When we give everybody an equal standard of living then we give ourselves the ability to live free from fear and free from the chase of money because money will be readily available to all equally. This is how it should be and could have always been. This is how it could have been ages ago if we had just came together and said 'this is what needs to be done and this is how we are going to do it'. The Equal Money System will bring forth the golden age of earth in oneness and equality. The golden age will step forth because that is what happens when all are given an equal amount of money from birth till death. The Equal Money System is the system that frees us all within the context of how we live and relate to one another on a daily basis. No longer will money get in the way of how we can and will relate to each other with dignity because isn't that what everybody wants?!? Imagine a world where everyone was actually equal and their lives were not dictated by how much money they had but instead everybody lived in oneness and equality as life here and nobody was left out! This would be the true golden age of humanity and mostly earth as a whole.

If we gave everybody an equal shot at living equally and with true dignity in every way then most every relationship would be better for it. Currently we are sort of living out of spite of each other because we are not giving each other the opportunities to succeed and become the best human being that we can be. Think of all of the minor relationships that are created that involve money in some way and then money gets in the way and screws it all up. That wouldn't happen with the Equal Money System because with everyone on a equal level - and with the highest dignity - it would be heaven on earth literally. Once we give to each other as we would like to receive then we begin to see how the Equal Money System would truly change the way we relate to each other to a way of dignity and mutual appreciation for one's expression instead a mutual dis-appreciation for how one has allowed the universe to exist. With the Equal Money System we can stop playing the money games and actually get down to real life here within consideration of all as one as equal in spirit.

With the equal money system everyone's relationships to one another will change for the better because everyone will have equal opportunities to live and express themselves as who they are as in dignity and in support of each other as all as one as equal here. The days whenever the equal money system have been denied will no longer hold weight whenever we see how we can change the world through giving as we would like to receive and treating others as we would like to be treated. The universe will embrace the equality and oneness of the Equal Money System because it is what is best for all in dignity and in spirit. Lets give to each other what each would like to receive through establishing this equality system for the good of the plants, animals, and the humans. The universe requires a dramatic change towards the betterment of all people, animals, and plants because right now we are not existing in any way that is beneficial for ourselves or for others that live on this earth.

Equality and Oneness as Image and Likeness

      The current capitalist system is an abusive system because it is not providing for all the species on this planet. It is not giving to all as all would like to receive. It is within our power to provide for all human beings on this planet but currently the capitalist system is not allowing this because it is based on profit and not giving. Giving is the cornerstone of any great economic system or social system because it is the foundation for creating beneficial relationships that will last a life time to where each are actually helping each other out instead of being spiteful or nasty or violent towards one another. It is within our power as human beings to give to each other and be good neighbors. The economic system is a system of retardation because it is not helping support the creation of mutually beneficial relationships for all. Capitalism as a system of profit is serving to destroy the relationships that have been created within this world and within this reality. Capitalism doesn't serve to create equally beneficial and mutually supportive relationships for all human beings. This is the reason why the capitalist system will not ever serve the best interest of all life on this planet and thus must end because it isn't creating the world that needs to be created to create a new life of dignity and equality and oneness.

      Many haters say that the equal money system will not work and will not provide for all equally. Usually there arguments are something like 'well who is going to run the system - will the elite run the system - it won't work if they do'. But this is an absolute statement of disregard for the fact that a system that is best for all will only serve the interests of all instead of the interests of a few. The capitalist system only serves the interest of a few while billions starve because they have no money.

     Many haters might say 'well this system is a socialist - communistic system and that never works' . Well considering that communism has never actually existed in this world as per its definition requires for it to exist across the globe as the entirety of the economic system this is a fallacious statement. Well these people are not considering the totality of the issue that we are facing as a global whole because if they actually did they would take back their retarded statements and statements of self-interest while disregarding the masses that starve on this planet.

    Many haters might say 'well this is not a good - looking system - isn't the free market supposed to free all?' . The free market is only as free as everyone has money. Not everyone has money. The free market is not even free whenever your business decisions are made based upon how much money you are going to make - that is not exactly free-choice - that is only one choice - which is profit over life. The reality is that the free market only serves to create a situation where one has to choose money over life everytime and this breeds disaster.

    'Well isn't the free market supposed to take care of everyone?'. Currently the free market capitalist system does not supply enough materials and supplies for those who are in the third world countries. Millions are without proper drinking water and proper sanitation. This is not what is best for all because we are serving to leave out millions from the benefits of life and having enough money to live. We are all obliged to take care of those who are not without food, water, and shelter.

     We are supposed to take care of those who have no food, water, and shelter. This is the design of a system that supports. We should take everybody into consideration when designing the establishment of an economic/social/political system that will guide the world to where it is that we want it to go.

     Why would we leave out billions of people from our social/economic system?!?! That doesn't make any sense!! Why would we leave billions to starve while we live in luxury and comfort here in the industrialized world?!?

Equal Money

    Equal Money is the best system that we as all as one can implement on a global scale. Within this system everybody will be free to choose what they would like to do for work. Everyone will receive an equal wage for the work that they do. No one's time will be valued greater than another. Everyone will have the basic standard of living that everyone would want for themselves within this reality - a millionaires.

    In the Equal Money System everybody will have the opportunity to choose their own destiny. There won't be any hierarchies of power except that the ones with more experience will be more obligated to the rest. It will bring everyone to a point of equality which is symbolically distributed through money. Equality is what is missing within the current money system. There are many have nots and this situation should ultimately be erased within such an economic system of equality.

    This economic system that we have currently does not bring the fruits of each's labor as equal - while disregarding the vast portion of the population almost completely. Within an equal money system this will be stopped as all fruits of our labors will be the same as a credit for each unit of time of work.

    Everybody's base standard of living will ultimately be the same and the most efficient, productive as well as luxurious. This will put everybody on an equal page within their basic standard of living within the realm of the highest dignity.
    Everybody will have the same food(level of quality), the same level of quality of water, shelter, clothing, education, etc...This way all will be equal in dignity.
    Through giving as we would like to receive we can establish a system that is best for all in dignity and in spirit. If we give ourselves the opportunity to give to each other then we will be set free from the limitations of the current capitalistic system of inequality and injustice.
    Giving is the core principle behind the equal money system. This core principle is the best principle to found an economic system upon. Because within giving we are embracing all parts of the beings in this world as equal. Through giving ourselves the opportunity to start a new life and a new economic system based on equality we are also giving ourselves the chance to reap rewards for our good deeds.

    Equal Money will give everyone the opportunity to live a dignified life in harmony and peace. Everyone will have equal food, equal water, equal shelter, equal clothing, equal healthcare, and equal education.

    The equal money system will bring true happiness to all beings on this planet - where no one will starve and no one will have to live on less than 2 dollars a day. Everyone will be equal in their dignified support.

    With equal money we are not settling for less than what a millionaire lives on day to day. So everyone will have an equal millionaire status as their standard of living. This is the most dignified position of support for each being in this world. This will grant the ability to see what its like to live as a millionaire and do so for the rest of their lives as well as pass down the same to one's children. A millionaire's standard of living exemplifies the standard of living that all deserve but are not granted it due to a system that is based on competition instead of sharing and giving. This would ensure everyone has the ability to live a dignified life without pain or suffering.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Equal Money For All to Live a Decent Life

     Equal Money System will bring everybody together in oneness and equality. Equal Money will allow everybody to live a dignified life in oneness and equality with all other life that lives and breathes on this planet. The Equal Money System will bring forth a new era of decency and true peace among nature, the animal kingdom, and the human race. It is for the plants and the animals and ourselves because without them we wouldn't even be able to breath.

     It should be granted to all that everyone should be able to live an interesting life without needless harm, pain, and suffering. There needs to be a basis of support for all of the animals and the plants because they are the ones who give back to the earth unconditionally. Right now we are abusing the planet itself as the animals are going through needless chaos and suffering. It must be declared that life is inherently worthy and within this declaration we should be willing to give away our lives for and as the good of all life on this earth. it must be declared that we do actually have the ability to create a new world where what is good and benevolent is what is established. It is our call of duty to bring forth a world that is what is best for all in and as oneness and equality.

Equal Money System

     The principle of the Equal Money System is to be the best human that one can be. This is why we are proposing this system as the solution to the world's problems. Without this system we are literally fucked because the capitalistic system is screwing up the life of people everywhere. If we can establish this system we will be in good tidings but if we don't utilize this opportunity that we have to establish this system then we will be doomed to a life of suffering. It must be done that we give each other the support necessary to continue to push to establish this new economic system.

     The economic system we have today has failed and has not brung about any change to the world as a whole except in the path of destruction. The world as a whole needs a substantial change at its foundation. We can do this through establishing an economic system of equality that bears fruit. The system today does not bear fruit but only serves to bear chaos and abuse. We are all a part of this system and must come together to be a part of the solution to the world's issues that we have not taken personal acceptance and responsibility for.

     Thus we must take away all of our fears and phobias and work to establish a system of equality that does not harm the earth as ourselves. We are all a part of this earth and thus we all must take responsibility for this planet as a whole.

     It is our duty as custodians of the earth to clean up this mess we have made and stop perpetuating the abuse and harm of our most precious resources. It is our denial that has gotten us to where we are today and thus we must recognize what is to be done and how to do it. Vote for the Equal Money System for all!

Why the System does not give to All Equally

      The current monetary system is one of free-will and free-choice. Free-will is the opportunity to give as you would like to receive while free will within the context of this system is the will of thievery and injustice. Justice will not be served in a society that values free-choice over the choice that is best for all life on this planet. Justice is the value of life that is served in the best interest of all of humanity.
      Money should be the essence of who we are as equal as one. Money as a means to profit is not the system that will bring about a life that is dignified and equal. Whenever we allow ourselves to accept and embrace equality as a principle for the system then our actions and our living will reflect this agreement as that which is best for all life.

      The system we are continuing within this world is not one of equality but one of individuality. Whenever the system does not consider the value of each person as equal then we therefore will be so inclined to commit acts of inequality, injustice, and self-interest wherein we actually disregard the sanctity of life itself. The value of life should be the value in which our economic system should be based as a system of equality that lifts up and supports life.

      Capitalism itself is a tyrannical system that is perpetuating much inequality and injustice. This is why the foundation of a system must be in the best interest of all. Capitalism breeds fascism and hierarchies due to the belief and perpetuation of the idea that some are better than others but others will have to work their to the top to experience the lifestyle of those who are rich and famous. The point is not to see how one may experience the fruits of their labors within a mass-murdering system that does not consider all life as equal - The point must be to see how each may be able to give to each other as each would like to receive and serve the interest of all for and as the individual. It must be about taking the skills and abilities that one has to offer and applying these skills to a system that rewards each and every single human being equally. Without a system that gives and receives there will be conflict and strife. It is known that the world is based upon the principles of which men follow and establish - thus the conflict that exists shall end once the principle of equality is the means for living and breathing in this world. the era of injustice, unlawful laws, and inconceivable acts of injustice shall be deemed the result of inequality and self-interest within the economic system of capitalism. It must be said that life is the principle of equality and oneness - as any other example of living opposed to this one shall be deemed incongruent to the rules of life and the way the affairs of men shall be conducted

     It is without question that life is sacred thus concluding that one must give to others to be deemed the example and reason for life itself. Judgment comes with injustice thus leading to inequality and incongruency with the example of life as equality and oneness.

     When injustice and incongruency with the values of life rein supreme as an ultimate foundation for a system - life will be abused , neglected, and destroyed because the system creates that which it is founded upon. No system of inequality will ever work because it is not considering the organic whole of life as an entity - thus always will lead to the same end of and as destruction.

    Capitalism will not bring about a good world where all are able to live without fear and without basic needs. This tyrannical system will perpetuate haves and have-nots as the system will create the essence of inequality as taking without giving and eating without feeding because this the foundation of capitalism.

    Without a system of true justice as give and take the essence of life on this planet which manifests as a reflection of its image and likeness will create that which does not embrace the true essence of every single human, animal, and plant. The true essence of each human, animal, and plant is a reflection of what is here and will always be here as a balance of give/take. Currently the capitalist system is not accepting this which will perpetuate the image and likeness of abuse and neglect all in the name of free-will and free-choice - without consideration for all parts of the earth.