Thursday, November 30, 2017

Day 213 - Laws and Money

It seems as though the main problems that constitute the accumulative degeneration and debilitation of all human relationships are that which are centrally focused around money - and all of the fears, emotions, and behaviors that result as to the context of which this dynamic has been formed. Namely the primary problem is that the nature of the relationship we have created towards/around money has been that it has been deemed as more important than life itself and therefore the relationships that exist as life in reality. Since money has been deemed as more important than life and the integrity of the relationships of all - the conditions of which are formed as result of this starting point with money - are primarily dependent upon this intitial starting point - that means, implies, and can be seen that the certain conditions one has surrounding money will dictate the integrity of their relationships, the quality of their relationships, and the dynamics of which the relationships will continue and form over time. Thus the integrity of everyone's immediate individual relationships is primarily dependent upon money first - then whatever the two individuals agree upon between each other. Obviously within this the individuals can agree on a relationship to money together - but obviously that relationship has no context or ability to form without some form of support as money to be existent in one of the individuals lives in the first place - thus money was required in some way for the relationship to exist in the first place. The problem with our collective relationships to money is that since money is the most important thing in the world 1st, we have conducted and formed all relationships and all laws based on this starting point 1st - instead of conducting and forming laws that change this relationship dynamic/paradigm as the starting point for which money exist and we exist within this relationship to that which would be best for all - which would change the dynamic of all relationships thereafter to that which would be best for all - or at least all of those involving money - and since money has been the starting point for human consciousness for quite some time and still is - the nature of this relationship is key to forming a contextual paradigm shift for which human relationships can form differently in a way that is best for all.

The current paradigm is that which all laws form after the existence of a particular starting point for our relationship to money as a whole - and that relationship is not what is best for all - it is actually based on 'dog eat dog' 'survival of the fittest' and essentially a 'competition' mentality, idea, or state of mind. The main point to understand as to why this mentality has become the predominant idea or state of which this whole world system of money and nature seems to operate - is that it is the result of the programming of which we have deemed 'almighty' and 'truth' - meaning that 'the way things are' is more of a result of how we have collectively decided it to be and allowed it to be over time - thus the outflow of 'how things are' being seen as 'the reality' is not actually the 'reality' but rather the 'idea' being 'imposed upon' reality. And this idea being imposed upon reality not existing within the framework of 'what is best for all' is creating problems because it actually has already been written in 'reality' and in 'consciousness' that 'equality' and 'what is best for all' will 'commence' - and that all other notions of reality and ideas that consciousness has held over time has been and will be considered 'folly' in the ultimate realization of the human race as equal creators in existence as per their individual and collective adherance to 'that which has been designed through the written word' that being 'equality' as 'what is best for all'. 

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