The Occupy Wall Street movement is a complete and utter failure. We are acting upon emotional centers that are not actually benefiting the world or the economy. We must declare a clear objective whenever we protest or are advertising to the world something we want to change. It must be clear. In writing. That which we want to accomplish. Our voice and our objective must be in writing meaning we must make it clear what we are advocating as in a clear objective plan. Without a written objective as to what we are trying to accomplish then nothing will be established or changed. A movement with no voice has no potential to change anything. A movement has no voice unless it is pushing for something objective or real. Whenever there is no written decree or statement of what a movement is trying to accomplish then nothing will ever be accomplished because the written decree is missing and the written decree is the foundation of any change or movement. We must declare a written objective or mission that we are trying to accomplish before anything can change. Real change for this movement to declare as a creed or motto or clear goal would be for everyone to have an equal income from birth till death. Occupy Wall Street could establish an agenda of establishing a Basic Income Grant for all people on this planet.
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